Spedizioni gratis call center Lu - Ve 9.00 - 13.00 +39 055 293 464 info@anallergo.it

Refund Policy

Right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal can be exercised at any time after completing the purchase procedure within 20 consecutive calendar days from receipt of the goods, by communicating the desire to exercise the right itself and providing the following data : number and date of the invoice or number and date of the order placed bank details on which to obtain the refund transfer (IBAN code). The communication of the withdrawal and the data requested above can be transmitted in the following ways: By sending an e-mail to shop@anallergo.it By sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address: ANALLERGO S.P.A. Viale Nilde Iotti 7 - Scarperia e San Piero (FI)
At the same address, within 20 days from receipt of the goods, the The consumer must provide for its return (total or partial) by ordinary postal package.
The refund of any sum already paid and corresponding to the entire order (including the shipping cost contribution) will be made within 14 days of receipt of the goods .

The return of goods does not automatically entail a valid right of withdrawal from the contract.
The costs for redelivery of the goods are borne by the Buyer.

ANALLERGO SPA , if the practice is accepted, it undertakes to return the price paid for the product by the Buyer within 30 days from receipt of the declaration of withdrawal.

The right of withdrawal is excluded by the law in the following cases:

  • for the purchase or sale of items specially produced or created personally for the Buyer;
  • for perishable or rapidly changing goods;
  • sealed items that cannot be returned for hygienic reasons or related to health protection and that have been opened after delivery or in the case of products that are, after delivery, inseparably mixed with other goods. li >